rules and guidelines

viewer is a an experimental pb community focusing on organic, smut & ic drama. (credit for the idea is borrowed from eaglewood). the premise amounts to a reality tv show tossing a handful of strangers together in a small, isolated setting to promote intimate, fun and organic interaction. viewer's characters are all strangers, so the aim is to learn about characters in character. this means we do not want to learn about characters through lengthy bios, ooc plotting and premade storylines. it is important to know that all character applications & holds are unknown to everyone until adds are completed. you can post in pbads with 'burner' journals with no icons or information related to your character / pb in search for pbs you'd like to see at the community. after you are added, you can use your character journal for that purpose. we know this sounds very secretive but as we said, this is an experimental community. despite that, this is not a secretive community in terms of in character interaction.

the setting will be announced with first adds! participants do not know where the production team is flying them out until they've arrived!

participants are not contestants, they aren't competing for anything on this reality show. they didn't even apply. participants were scouted and recruited by producers and casting directors for over six months through social media, recommendations or even just being discovered on the street walking their dogs. participants are from all over the world, and can come from all kinds of backgrounds. the only participants excluded are current celebrities and people with violent criminal backgrounds. participants will live alone (for season one): their accommodations will be fully functioning and luxurious but on the smaller side. they can bring their phone, pets, wardrobe, medications/important items and that is all. they can pack up and leave any time they'd like and new participants can show up at any time. each particpant is given weekly allowances for orders from amazon and groceries they can order online.

applying is a very easy process. all you need is an in character or out of character journal, an ic friends only post & an out of character contact post. your out of character contact post should have your character's name, where they are from, their occupation outside of the show, age and birthday. that is it. small blurbs are encouraged but like we said above, the goal is to learn about people's characters in character and through interaction - not through ooc means. things that would normally be in your bio should be communicated through narratives, conversations, scenes, etc. the only encouraged ooc plotting revolves around plot posts, or your own private set-ups for scenes & meet-ups.

activity: you are required to update once a month with anything you want (so long as you put in some effort) but you're encouraged to update more. we will have confessionals for your characters that will make for fun updates of things that will air on the show. the community will be more centered around activities that are hosted by the show 'viewer' in an attempt to shake up dynamics between participants.

nsfw content & apps should always be labeled and behind a cut. you should know the etiquette by now so we ask that you use common sense. we are no nonsense about this part of the community. any crossing of lines will have you removed without warning. we are also app free, please refrain from using wire, discord, etc.